
Check out the latest videos related to the Plan.

Plan Bay Area 2040 - Draft Plan

Plan Bay Area 2040 - Draft Plan

Plan Bay Area 2040 projects that the San Francisco Bay Area will grow by over 2 million people, more than 1 million jobs, and over 800,000 housing units between 2010 and 2040. Much of this growth is anticipated to be located in Priority Development Areas (PDAs), or designated areas identified by local jurisdictions to be appropriate for residential and commercial development. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments have been listening for months to public comment on the Draft Plan to revise Plan Bay Area 2040.

Video length in minutes: " 3:40

Plan Bay Area 2040 - Public Outreach (2016)

Plan Bay Area 2040 - Public Outreach (2016)

The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) staff will report on public comments heard from a series on open houses and online engagement at a joint meeting of MTC’s Planning and ABAG’s Administrative committees on Friday, July 8. The outreach focused on alternative planning scenarios for future Bay Area housing and job growth, as well as associated transportation needs. Public comments will inform the update to the region’s long-range housing and transportation roadmap known as Plan Bay Area 2040.

Video length in minutes: " 4:53

Plan Bay Area 2040 - Scenarios

Plan Bay Area 2040 - Scenarios

MTC and its partner regional agency — the Association of Bay Area Governments — have developed three alternative scenarios for how we will work, live and get around in 2040. Titled “Main Streets,” “Connected Neighborhoods” and “Big Cities,” these scenarios are described in this new video. The agencies are now seeking public input on these scenarios through online forums and outreach meetings in each of the nine Bay Area Counties. The preferred scenario will form the foundation for Plan Bay Area 2040, which will be adopted in 2017.

Video length in minutes: " 4:22

Plan Bay Area 2040 - Open Houses (2015)

Plan Bay Area 2040 - Open Houses (2015)

Thank you to everyone who participated in this spring's Plan Bay Area 2040 Open Houses and the Virtual Open House. The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), along with local agencies and your local elected officials, value your ideas.

Public comments like those collected during this round of open houses will help inform staff recommendations and, ultimately, the final decisions about Plan Bay Area 2040 made by members of MTC and ABAG. At key milestones in the development of Plan Bay Area 2040, MTC and ABAG staff will summarize the input heard at open houses, as well as on our online forum and any emailed or mailed comments, for members of ABAG and MTC to consider.

Video length in minutes: " 3:12